Important Tips on How to Prevent Delays in the Authorization Process

  1. Documentation is important. Be sure to include medical history that supports the medical necessity of the service being requested. Requests will be delayed without it. Documentation can be supplied three ways:
    1. The most efficient method is to use our web portal (REA). Do not fax as it delays processing.
    2. Copy and paste them from NextGen to the notes section of the authorization.
    3. Type the needed information in the notes.
  2. Check eligibility.
  3. Ensure you are selecting a specialist from the drop down menu.
  4. Include referring physician and provider/facility that is to provide the service.
  5. Include procedure (CPT) and diagnosis codes.
  6. Select the correct urgency. Unless there is an actual medical emergency, the request should be submitted as “Routine.” Submitting non-medically urgent referrals as “Urgent” delays processing for those that are urgent.
  7. Select providers that appear for the member in their referral network. Do not select “Provider not listed” unless there are no providers in their network that can provide the requested service. To avoid delays and calls from the department requesting further information, provide an explanation for the use of this provider.
  8. Regularly follow up within 48-72 hours to ensure timely approval. Date and time stamp all prior authorization submission materials and store in a tickler file or enter a reminder in the electronic health record.